
Course Description

The compliance-gaining phase of an interview is the most challenging and involves the most potential for adverse consequences for the interviewee, the interviewer and the organization.  Having gained an admission, there are two, primary interviewer considerations:  ensuring that a false admission has not been obtained and committing the interviewee to the admission so as to minimize the opportunity to lose the advantage as the result of a withdrawn admission.  After the point of admission, these two elements must be accommodated within the continuing conduct of the interview.

 Course Objectives:

  • At the conclusion of this training the participant will be able to:
  • Employ questioning protocols to address the validity of the admission;
  • Procure confirmatory and anchoring information related interviewee’s actions and cognitions.

Evaluation Procedures:  Student will be completing practical exercise assignments and participating in practical exercises that will be evaluated throughout the course. The student must successfully complete all assignments and practical exercises to receive a satisfactory grade.

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