
Course Description

Studies indicate that somewhere between one (1) percent and three (3) percent of Americans have intellectual disability.  With the population in America around 328,000,000 that number factors to between 3,280,000 and 9,840,000 persons. Consequently, it is incumbent upon those charged with investigative responsibilities and conducting the subsequent, related interviews, to have an awareness of the additional considerations that should be applied when interacting with persons with intellectual disabilities.  Within this session, those considerations will be identified and correlated with the conduct of an inquiry involving a person with intellectual disability.  Objectives: Identify the additional considerations to be applied to the conduct of an interview with persons having intellectual disability; Given a set of circumstances involving the conduct of an interview with a person having intellectual disability, develop an interviewing protocol; Identify the strategy to be employed,
post-admission, within the conduct of the interview.
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