
CJC-3925A - Firearms In-Service Training
CJC-3925AA - Firearms Classroom Qualification & Combat
CJC-3925AC - Firearms Simulator Training - Use of Force Decision Making
CJC-3925AD - Combined Firearms Skills
CJC-3925B - Firearms Qualification
CJC-3925C - Stress Induced Firearms
CJC-3925E - Firearms Classroom
CJC-3925G - Firearms Proficiency Training Qualification-Law Enforcement
CJC-3925H - Firearm Handgun and Shotgun Qualification
CJC-3925I - Firearms Classroom & Qualification
CJC-3925N - Rifle & Combat Qualification
CJC-3925O - Rifle Qualification
CJC-3925P - Combat Qualification
CJC-3925R - Handgun & Combat Qualification
CJC-3925Z - In-Service Firearms Qualification
CJC-3926A - Firearms Situational Shooting
CJC-3926C - Firearms: Use of Force
CJC-3928A - Instructor Training - General Certification Course
CJC-3933B - Radar/Lidar Operator Re-Certification
CJC-3934A - Radar Operator Certification Training
CJC-3936LC - Lidar Operator Certification
CJC-3937A - Radar Operator Recertification Training
CJC-3938A - Basic Law Enforcement Training (BLET)
CJC-3941A - Detention Officer Certification Training
CJC-3941B - Firearms Class & Qualification for Detention Officers
CJC-3942A - Telecommunicator Certification Course
CJC-3942B - E911 Simulator Training
CJC-3942C - 911 Academy
CJC-3952BBP - Bloodborne Pathogens
CJC-3952E - Legal Update Training
CJC-3952EN - Rifle Qualification & Combat Course
CJC-3952EX - In-Service Firearms Training
CJC-3952EY - In-Service Firearms Qualification
CJC-3952FC - Legal Update (Detention)
CJC-3952GR - Detention Officer Intelligence Update
CJC-3952HAZ - Hazardous Materials
CJC-3952HP - Firearms Training & Qualification
CJC-3952IU - AR Patrol Carbine Classroom & Qualification
CJC-3952JL - Juvenile Law Update
CJC-3952JM - Individual Wellness: Coping With Stress & PTSD
CJC-3952JN - Best Practices for Officers During Community Dissent
CJC-3952JO - Law Enforcement Intelligence Update: Gangs & Divisive Groups
CJC-3952JP - Domestic Violence: Law and Procedure Update
CJC-3952JQ - Opioid Awareness and Response
CJC-3952JR - Leadership and Professional Development
CJC-3952JS - OSHA Hazardous Communications
CJC-3952JT - Inmate Suicide Prevention (Detention)
CJC-3952JU - Armed/Unarmed Security & Campus Police: Understanding Their Roles and Authority
CJC-3952JV - Career Survival: Training & Standards Issues
CJC-3952JW - Communication Strategies When Encountering Persons Who Are Deaf Or Hard of Hearing
CJC-3952JX - The Signs Within: Suicide Prevention Education and Awareness
CJC-3952JY - Long Term Effects of Childhood Adversity
CJC-3952JZ - Law Enforcement Threat Assessment
CJC-3952KD - Continue to Make a Difference: Positive Engagement Stories and Studies
CJC-3952KE - School Safety & Responding to School Incidents
CJC-3952KG - Officer Awareness: Responding To Victims of Trauma
CJC-3952KH - Patrol Vehicle Operations
CJC-3952KI - Physical Mental Wellness: Building & Implementing a Plan for Improvement
CJC-3952KJ - Followership: Being an Influential Employee
CJC-3952KK - Inmate Mental Health
CJC-3952KL - Transportation & Security of Inmates
CJC-3952KM - Cell Management and Control
CJC-3952KN - Critical Thinking for Telecommunicators
CJC-3952KO - VIPER System & ESInet Explained
CJC-3952KP - Handling the Active Assailant Incident
CJC-3952KQ - Shift Management Skills in the Communication Center
CJC-3952KR - Community & Responder Engagement: Identifying the Telecommunicator's Role
CJC-3952KS - Promoting Career Development and Survival
CJC-3952KT - Ethics (Telecom): Preempting Misconduct & Increasing Integrity
CJC-3952KU - Duty Related Trauma (Telecom)
CJC-3952KV - Stress in the Communications Center: Developing Healthy Responses (Telecom)
CJC-3952KW - The Telecommunicator's Role in Crisis Management
CJC-3952KX - Broadcasting Techniques and Radio Etiquette
CJC-3952KY - Creating a Safety Net
CJC-3952KZ - Domestic Violence: The Psychology of Whether to Stay or Go
CJC-3952LA - Ethics (LE): Preempting, Misconduct and Increasing Integrity
CJC-3952LB - Practicing Proactive Wellness
CJC-3952LC - Raising the Bar: Enhancing Community Engagement
CJC-3952LD - Incorporating a Co-Response: Partnering With Community Professionals
CJC-3952LE - Subversive Groups: Maneuvering Encounters with Fringe Groups
CJC-3952LF - The Process of De-Escalation: Listening, Talking Defensive Tactics
CJC-3952LG - Ethics (Det): Preempting Misconduct & Increasing Integrity
CJC-3952LH - Preserving the Detention Center Crime Scene
CJC-3952LI - Promoting Career Development & Survival
CJC-3952LK - Conflict Management & Communication
CJC-3952LL - De-escalation Techniques
CJC-3952LM - Practicing Cultural Sensitivity in the Detention Center
CJC-3952LN - Compliance & Subject Control
CJC-3952LO - Enhancing Community Policing
CJC-3952LP - Ethics and Duty to Intervene
CJC-3952LQ - Juvenile Justice Issues and Challenges
CJC-3952LR - Mental Health Responses
CJC-3952LS - Accountability and Use of Force Report Writing
CJC-3952LT - Compliance and Subject Control
CJC-3952LU - Critical Stress on the Job - Law Enforcement
CJC-3952LV - Liability of Patrol Vehicle Operation
CJC-3952LW - Recognizing Assaultive Behaviors - Law Enforcement
CJC-3952LX - Recognizing Fake IDs
CJC-3952LY - Critical Incident Exposure: Detention
CJC-3952LZ - New Rules Update - Detention
CJC-3952M - CPR Re-Certification
CJC-3952MA - Recognizing Assaultive Behaviors - Detention
CJC-3952MB - ADA & HIPAA in the Detention Center
CJC-3952MC - Cell Extractions
CJC-3952MD - Gang Awareness - Detention
CJC-3952ME - Juvenile Justice Issues: Communication and Engagement
CJC-3952MF - Legislative Update
CJC-3952MG - Domestic Violence: Overcoming Elder Abuse and Exploitation
CJC-3952MH - Ethics: Increasing Professionalism
CJC-3952MI - Active Assailant: Preparation and Response
CJC-3952MJ - Citizens with Firearms
CJC-3952MK - Officer Safety
CJC-3952ML - Care Under Gunfire - Law Enforcement
CJC-3952MM - Suicide Prevention for Detention Professionals
CJC-3952MN - PREA Refresher
CJC-3952MO - Inmate Suicide Prevention
CJC-3952MP - Looking After You - Detention
CJC-3952MQ - Responding to Medical Emergencies in the Detention Facility
CJC-3952MR - Documenting the Use of Force - Detention
CJC-3952lj - Protecting our Resources
CJC-4040A - NCJA SRO Training
CJC-4040B - Advanced SRO Training
CJC-5000AH - Detecting Deception During the Roadside Interview
CJC-5000AI - Dominating the Traffic Stop
CJC-5000AQ - Techniques of Traffic Stops
CJC-5000AR - 720 Concealment
CJC-5000AS - Regional Counterdrug Training Academy
CJC-5000F - SFST Refresher
CJC-5000H - Comprehensive Roadside Interdiction
CJC-5000I - DWI Detection & Standardized Field Sobriety Testing
CJC-5000L - Driving Simulator
CJC-5000M - Traffic Crash Reporting
CJC-5000N - Driving Simulator Pursuit & Combat
CJC-5000O - Street Smart Cop Seminar: Pro-Active Patrol Tactics Seminar
CJC-5000P - Urban Interdiction
CJC-5000Q - Law Enforcement Investigations: A Trauma Informed Approach
CJC-5000R - Domestic Highway Enforcement Regional Training
CJC-5000W - Stop-Stick
CJC-5000Z - A.R.I.D.E.
CJC-5005AD - Crime Scene Management for First Responders
CJC-5005AF - Cellular & Social Media Analysis and Exploitation
CJC-5005AG - Criminal Sexual Assault Investigation
CJC-5005AJ - Death Investigation
CJC-5005AM - Suicide Investigation
CJC-5005AQ - How to Interview Like a Psychopath
CJC-5005AW - Death & Homicide Investigation
CJC-5005AY - Cold Case Investigation
CJC-5005AZ - Domestic Terrorism & Extremist Groups
CJC-5005BF - Violent Crime Profiling - Behavioral Aspects of Crime Scene Reconstruction
CJC-5005BG - Inside the Mind of the Violent Offender
CJC-5005BH - Thinking Errors of Sexual Offenders
CJC-5005BI - "Blood, Bullets and More" - Crime Scene Re-Construction
CJC-5005BK - Introduction to Financial Crimes
CJC-5005BL - Cold Case Investigations
CJC-5005BM - Burglary & Property Crimes
CJC-5005BN - Criminal Sexual Victimization of Children
CJC-5005BO - Criminal Sexual Paraphilias
CJC-5005BP - Domestic Violence: From Obsessive Love To Murder
CJC-5005BQ - Threat Assessment
CJC-5005BR - Advanced Homicide Investigations
CJC-5005BS - Antifa, White Nationalists and Domestic Terrorism
CJC-5005BT - Interviewing Generation ME!
CJC-5005BU - Interacting w/Persons w/Intellectual Disabilities: An Investigator's Perspective
CJC-5005BV - Child Abuse and Fatality Investigations
CJC-5005BW - Basic Bloodstain Pattern Analysis
CJC-5005BX - Shooting Reconstruction
CJC-5005BY - Introduction to Criminal Investigative, Analysis
CJC-5005BZ - The Psychological Autopsy and Equivocal Death Analysis
CJC-5005CB - Money Laundering - Cartels, Terrorism & Illicit Finance Investigations
CJC-5005CC - Search and Seizure
CJC-5005CD - Warrants & Affidavit Writing
CJC-5005CE - Managing Confidential Informants
CJC-5005CF - Legally Justified; But Was It Avoidable
CJC-5005CG - Interviewing Ethics
CJC-5005CH - The Concept of Persuasion
CJC-5005CI - Interviewing the Suspected Child Abuser
CJC-5005CJ - Investigating Allegations
CJC-5005CK - Interviewing Head to Poe: The Magic of Making the Connection With the Interviewee
CJC-5005CL - Interviewer Attribute: Maintaining Objectivity
CJC-5005CM - Interviewer Personality Dynamics
CJC-5005CN - Post Admission Interviewing
CJC-5005CO - Fraud Related Interviewing
CJC-5005CP - Investigative Discourse Analysis Level 2
CJC-5005CQ - Homicide Investigation Responsibilities for Supervisors & Senior Investigators
CJC-5005CR - In Search of the Linguistic Black Swan
CJC-5005CS - Conducting an Interview Premortem
CJC-5005CT - Conducting Remote Interviews
CJC-5005CU - Surviving the First Three Minutes of Your Interview
CJC-5005CV - Interviewing the Suspected Child Abuser Level II
CJC-5005CW - Forensic Genealogy
CJC-5005CX - Forensic Entomology
CJC-5005CY - Use of Force: Policy Review
CJC-5005CZ - Forensics for Solving Homicides
CJC-5005D - Human Trafficking
CJC-5005DA - Using Alternate Light Sources At the Crime Scene
CJC-5005DB - Evaluating Tool Marks Footprints & Tire Tracks
CJC-5005DC - Interviews & Interrogations: Overcoming Deceptions
CJC-5005DD - Background Investigation
CJC-5005DE - Crime Scene Investigation
CJC-5005DF - Interview & Interrogation For Homicides
CJC-5005DG - Buried Bodies & Skeletal Remains
CJC-5005DH - Forensic Anthropology
CJC-5005DI - Proactive & Undercover Investigations
CJC-5005DJ - Interviewing Victims of Sexual Assault
CJC-5005DK - Informant Management: Supervisor's Perspective
CJC-5005DL - Forensic Interviewing & Interrogation Techniques for Conservation Officers
CJC-5005DM - Threat of Drones
CJC-5005DN - Indoor Flight
CJC-5005DQ - Elicitation Techniques & the Interview Process
CJC-5005DR - Robbery Investigation
CJC-5005DS - Basic Crime Scene Photography
CJC-5005DT - Vehicle and Foot Surveillance
CJC-5005DU - Drones for First Responders
CJC-5005DV - Inferencing and the Interview Process
CJC-5005DW - Detecting Deception Within Interpersonal Communication
CJC-5005DX - Preventing Inadvertent Interviewer Disclosure
CJC-5005DY - Profiling Violent Crime
CJC-5005DZ - IR Photography for Processing Evidence & Crime Scene
CJC-5005EA - Tactical Crime Control and Community Engagement
CJC-5005EB - Emotional Survival for Law Enforcement
CJC-5005EC - Child Sex Abuse Investigation
CJC-5005ED - Trajectory Analysis and Bullet Reconstruction
CJC-5005EF - Basic Narcotics Investigation
CJC-5005EG - Drone Mapping & Traffic Reconstruction
CJC-5005EH - Advanced Informant Management
CJC-5005EI - Patrol Officer Response to Street Drugs
CJC-5005EJ - Warrantless Searches
CJC-5005EK - Officer Involved Shootings: Supervisor/Administrative Response
CJC-5005EL - Investigative Reasoning:  Thinking Through(out) the investigation
CJC-5005EM - Interviewer Perspective: The other side of the interviewing table
CJC-5005EN - Social Media and Open-Source Intelligence
CJC-5005EO - Auto Theft & Vehicle Crimes
CJC-5005EP - Fentanyl Overdose Death Investigation & Prosecution
CJC-5005EQ - Drone Search and Rescue
CJC-5005ER - Advanced Psychology for Cops
CJC-5005F - Drug Investigation for Patrol Officers
CJC-5005GH - Homegrown Violent Extremism in North Carolina
CJC-5005HI - Utilizing AI When Planning for an Interview
CJC-5005HJ - Interviewing in a Post-Truth Era
CJC-5005HK - Understanding and Preventing Organized Retail Theft Crimes
CJC-5005HL - Recruitment & Retention
CJC-5005HM - HUMINT Collection and the Interviewing Process
CJC-5005K - Digital Crime Scene Photography
CJC-5005O - Sovereign Citizens
CJC-5005P - Interview & Interrogation
CJC-5005Q - Investigative Discourse Analysis
CJC-5005QQ - Child Abuse: Death Investigation
CJC-5005R - Crime Analysis/Mapping
CJC-5005RR - Basic Search Warrant Drafting
CJC-5005UU - Body Language Interviewing
CJC-5005Y - Fundamentals of the Investigative Process
CJC-5010AA - Canine Law
CJC-5010AE - Police Law Institute (PLI)
CJC-5010AP - Use of Force Management for School Resource Officers
CJC-5010AQ - Use of Force for Field Training Officers
CJC-5010AS - The Law of Mass Protests
CJC-5010AT - Intervention Tactics: Duty to Intervene in Excessive Force or Misconduct Incidents
CJC-5010AU - Disciplinary Process Review
CJC-5010AW - Professional and Organizational Ethics: The Duty to Intervene
CJC-5010AX - Fundamentals of Juvenile Law
CJC-5010D - Police Law Institute Update
CJC-5010F - Use of Force: Risk Management for Supervisors
CJC-5010G - Constitutional Law
CJC-5010H - Use of Force Management for Officers: Resister Training
CJC-5010I - Advanced Conducted Electrical Weapons Instructor Risk Management Course
CJC-5010K - Use of Force Risk Management Instructor
CJC-5010L - NC & Federal Firearms Laws
CJC-5015AH - Personnel Legal Issues for Law Enforcement Leaders
CJC-5015AK - Internal Affairs
CJC-5015AM - Police Administration: Policy Development & Strategic Planning
CJC-5015AN - Leadership on the Line
CJC-5015AP - Managing the Media in Law Enforcement
CJC-5015AQ - Behavior Based Interviewing
CJC-5015AV - Basic Principles for Leadership
CJC-5015AW - First Line Supervision
CJC-5015AX - The Interview & Interrogation of the Mad, Bad & Sad
CJC-5015AY - Leadership in Action: Becoming a Self-Aware Leader
CJC-5015BA - Principles of Police Supervision: Conflict Resolution
CJC-5015BB - Civil Liability for Supervisors
CJC-5015BC - Legal Issues for Campus Law Enforcement Officers
CJC-5015BD - Police Canines in Public Schools
CJC-5015BF - Search & Seizure for Patrol Officers
CJC-5015BH - Legal Issues Crime Scene Searches
CJC-5015BL - Supervision & Leadership Development for Non Sworn Personnel
CJC-5015BM - Goal Setting and Results Achieving Life Strategies
CJC-5015BN - Common Sense Leadership
CJC-5015BO - Field Training Officer Refresher
CJC-5015BP - Grant Writing
CJC-5015BQ - Supervisor Responsibilities For Death/Homicide
CJC-5015BR - Crisis Communications in Law Enforcement
CJC-5015BS - Becoming a Leader of Character
CJC-5015BT - Pathway to Promotion
CJC-5015BU - Effective Communication Strategies for Today’s Law Enforcement Executive
CJC-5015BV - Leadership for a Lifetime: Preparing Today’s Officers to Be Tomorrow’s Leaders
CJC-5015BW - The Burden of Command
CJC-5015C - Ethics for Leaders
CJC-5015D - Internal Affairs Investigations - Promoting Professional Standards
CJC-5015F - Methods of Transformational Servant and Mentoring Leadership
CJC-5015G - Field Training Officer
CJC-5015GG - Advanced Field Training Officer
CJC-5015H - Performance Evaluation
CJC-5015J - Law Enforcement Budgeting
CJC-5015L - Effective Leadership
CJC-5015Q - Promotional Process/Assessment Center
CJC-5015QU - Concepts and Practices for Professional Supervision & Leadership
CJC-5015QV - Concepts & Practices for Professional Supervision & Leadership Review
CJC-5015V - Leadership Enrichment & Development
CJC-5015X - Recruitment Selection & Hiring
CJC-5020A - Tactical Ops
CJC-5020AA - Tactical Mindset
CJC-5020AB - Advanced Tactical Entry
CJC-5020AD - Ground Control for Law Enforcement
CJC-5020AK - Advanced Tactical Handgun
CJC-5020AL - Bus Assault/Rescue
CJC-5020AM - Basic Tactical Ballistic Shield
CJC-5020AN - Advanced Tactical Ballistic Shield
CJC-5020AR - High Risk Warrant Service
CJC-5020AX - Basic Submachine Gun Operator
CJC-5020AZ - SWAT Scenarios
CJC-5020BO - Tactical Man-Tracking I
CJC-5020BP - Tactical Handgun Operator
CJC-5020BQ - Tactical Rifle Operator
CJC-5020BS - Tactical Man-Tracking II
CJC-5020BY - Negotiation Awareness for Emergency Telecommunicators
CJC-5020CA - Tactical Dignitary Protection
CJC-5020CJ - Tactical Firearms II
CJC-5020CN - Civil Liability for SRT/SWAT
CJC-5020CP - Preparing for the Day: Surviving Deadly Force Encounters
CJC-5020CQ - Threat Assessment for SRO & School Rampage Shooter
CJC-5020CV - ASP Certification
CJC-5020CY - School Rampage Shooter
CJC-5020DB - The Joint Public Safety Response to the Active Shooter
CJC-5020DC - Advanced Tactical Dignitary Protection
CJC-5020DD - Combined Firearms Skills
CJC-5020DE - Critical Mindset
CJC-5020DG - Tactical Medical Self Help
CJC-5020DI - Active Shooter/Hostile Threat
CJC-5020DJ - CQB Tactical Room Clearing Techniques
CJC-5020DK - Basic Sniper Development
CJC-5020DM - Rescue Task Force Training
CJC-5020DN - Scenario Based Bldg Search
CJC-5020DO - Taser 7 CQ
CJC-5020DQ - Handcuffing & Prisoner Search
CJC-5020DR - ICS: Unified Command Review
CJC-5020DS - Integrating Communication, Assessment and Tactics (ICAT) Classroom & Practical
CJC-5020DT - Public Order Management:, Initial Command Course
CJC-5020DU - Bldg Search Techniques for Patrol Officers
CJC-5020DV - Building Search Tactics for Patrol
CJC-5020DW - Executive Protection Training
CJC-5020DY - Tactical Vehicle Interdiction
CJC-5020DZ - Tactical Ops
CJC-5020EB - Tactical Firearms I
CJC-5020EC - Breacher 101
CJC-5020ED - Close Quarter Tactics
CJC-5020EF - Public Order Training Academy: Tactical Training Module
CJC-5020EG - Beyond SCAT
CJC-5020EH - Cooper's Test
CJC-5020EI - Impact Munitions Training
CJC-5020EJ - Threat Assessment
CJC-5020EK - Taser Certification
CJC-5020EL - Taser Recertification
CJC-5020EM - Breacher II
CJC-5020EO - ALERRT Level I
CJC-5020EP - Response to Active Violence
CJC-5020EQ - Physical Surveillance
CJC-5020ER - Precision Rifle
CJC-5020ES - Civil Emergency Response Team Training
CJC-5020ET - Low-Power Variable Optics (LPVO)
CJC-5020EU - Low Light CQT and Threat Mitigation
CJC-5020EV - Taser Instructor Certification
CJC-5020EW - Close Quarter Tactics Level 2
CJC-5020EX - Maximize Your Physiological & Psychological Responses
CJC-5020EY - Tactical Excellence: Mastering the Craft of Proactive Policing
CJC-5020EZ - Patrol Breaching Operations
CJC-5020F - Basic Hostage Negotiation
CJC-5020FA - Patrol Entry Techniques 1: Pistol
CJC-5020FB - Tactical Patrol Officer Course
CJC-5020FC - Duty Pistol Course
CJC-5020FD - Pistol Marksmanship
CJC-5020FE - Breaching Operations
CJC-5020FF - Advanced SWAT
CJC-5020FG - Critical Mindset Lecture
CJC-5020FH - Entry Tactics
CJC-5020FI - Vehicle Interdiction
CJC-5020FJ - Tactical Leadership Phase 1: Planning
CJC-5020FK - Tactical Leadership Phase 2: Structure Management
CJC-5020FL - Vehicle Assault and Rescue
CJC-5020N - Defense Tactics: Expandable Baton
CJC-5020Q - Pepper Spray Refresher
CJC-5020T - Violent Fugitive Investigations
CJC-5020TT - Basic Special Weapons & Tactics
CJC-5020W - High Risk Apprehension Techniques
CJC-5020Y - OC Pepper Spray
CJC-5025E - Report Writing for Law Enforcement Officers
CJC-5025I - Assisting Individuals in Crisis & Group Crisis Intervention
CJC-5025O - Crisis Intervention Training
CJC-5025R - C.I.T. for Telecommunicators
CJC-5025T - Patrol & Investigative Report Writing
CJC-5025U - Complex Case Development & Expansion
CJC-5025V - Report Writing & Courtroom Survival
CJC-5035AA - CRDT Phase IV
CJC-5035AB - Unlawful Workplace Harassment
CJC-5035AC - Staff and Offender Relations
CJC-5035AD - Prison Security Functions & Procedures
CJC-5035AE - Contraband Techniques of Search
CJC-5035AF - Prison Emergencies: Prevention and Response
CJC-5035AG - Suicide Prevention: Self Injurious Behavior
CJC-5035AH - Lock Out Tag Out
CJC-5035AI - Fire Safety - Corrections
CJC-5035AJ - Sexual Harassment & Abuse
CJC-5035AK - Americans w/Disabilities Act
CJC-5035AL - Situational Awareness
CJC-5035AM - First Aid: for Community Corrections
CJC-5035AN - Electronic Monitoring, Refresher
CJC-5035AO - Firearms Remedial Training
CJC-5035AP - Safe Search Practices
CJC-5035AQ - Substance Abuse Behavior Recognition
CJC-5035AR - PERT Building Entry and Clearing
CJC-5035AS - CRDT Phase V
CJC-5035AT - Introduction to Contraband
CJC-5035F - Situational Decision Making Course of Fire
CJC-5035G - Advanced Tactical Handcuffing
CJC-5035H - Staff and Offender Relationships: Maintaining Professional Boundaries
CJC-5035I - Unlawful Workplace Harassment - Initial
CJC-5035J - Firearms Safety
CJC-5035K - Employee Fitness & Wellness
CJC-5035L - Advanced Arrest, Search and Seizure
CJC-5035M - SSC OC Pepper Spray Refresher
CJC-5035O - Handgun Proficiency
CJC-5035P - Handgun Care and Maintenance
CJC-5035Q - Handgun Low/Limited Light Proficiency
CJC-5035R - CRDT Phase I Refresher
CJC-5035S - CRDT Phase III - Blunt/Edged Weapon Defense
CJC-5035T - Security Risk Groups: NC Division of Adult Correction
CJC-5035U - Shotgun Proficiency Training
CJC-5035V - Firearms: Law & Policy Considerations of Deadly Force
CJC-5035W - Implicit Bias
CJC-5035X - Professional Ethics in the Workplace
CJC-5035Y - Situational Firearms-Menu A
CJC-5035Z - Verbal De-Escalation
CJC-5040A - Firearms Instructor Development
CJC-5040B - Instructor Development Utilizing MS Word & PowerPoint
CJC-5045C - Community Policing & Effective Problem Solving
CJC-5045F - Introduction to Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design
CJC-5045G - Advanced Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design
CJC-5045H - Application of CPTED in School Security Surveys
CJC-5045J - Protester Violence: Planning for Prevention
CJC-5045N - Customer Service for Law Enforcement
CJC-5045P - In It Together: Brothers & Sisters of Public Safety
CJC-5045Q - Tactical Crime Control & Community Engagement
CJC-5045S - Basic Crime Prevention
CJC-5045T - Victim Support & Addressing Aftermath of Violence
CJC-5046A - Fair and Impartial Policing
CJC-5046B - Procedural Justice for Law Enforcement: Organizational Change Through Decision Making and Policy
CJC-5046C - Procedural Justice for Law Enforcement: Front-Line Officers
CJC-5047A - Conflict De-Escalation
CJC-5047B - Verbal De-Escalation
CJC-5047C - Surviving Verbal Conflict
CJC-5050D - Mental Health First Aid
CJC-5050H - The Pain Behind the Badge
CJC-5050I - Managing Police Records
CJC-5050J - Managing Jail Records
CJC-5050L - Full Spectrum Honor Guard Training
CJC-5055A - Basic Professional Security Officer Training
CJC-5055B - Advanced Professional Security Office Training
CJC-5060C - Supervising the K-9 Team
CJC-5060D - Advanced K9 Tracking Seminar
CJC-5060E - Police K-9: Odor Detection
CJC-5060F - Police Canine Apprehension
CJC-5060J - NC PDA Certification
CJC-5060K - Canine Maintenance Seminar
CJC-5060N - Advanced Canine Utilization
CJC-5060S - K9 and the Complete Traffic Stop
CJC-5060U - K-9 Decoy Training
CJC-5060W - Canine Training Philosophies
CJC-5060X - Canine Utilization & Problem Solving
CJC-5060Y - Assessment of Prehospital Care in Canine Trauma Patients
CJC-5060Z - E-Collar Refresher Training
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